Advisor - Washington, DC, USA
Dr. N. Leigh Anderson is a scientist and entrepreneur who obtained his BA in Physics from Yale and a PhD in Molecular Biology from Cambridge University (England). He has published 170 papers and been granted 44 US Patents. He cofounded Large Scale Biology, a pioneering proteomics company that had its initial public offering in 2000, has served on the board of directors of Dade Behring (a global diagnostics company) and Luna Innovations (fiber-optic test and measurement). He received the 1983 Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award; the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry (AACC Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry); and the 2009 the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) Distinguished Achievement Award in Proteomic Science. Founder of SISCAPA.
Background on Dr. Anderson’s work can be found here: "The Promise of Plasma Proteomics in the Clinical Laboratory: Fact and Fiction" (here).